Journeys into Night by Don Charlwood (2nd edition 2005)
Previous edition still available:
Journeys into Night by Don Charlwood (2nd edition 2005)
The second book of the author’s autobiography, Journeys into Night covers the years 1939 to 1945 – the years of WWII. The author’s Bomber Command experiences and those of the 19 men with whom he trained, are related in such detail that this book is much more than a memoir.
“Journeys into Night is notable for the clarity and power of its writing. Don Charlwood’s wartime experiences – travelling overseas, training, the tedium and terror of ops – are recreated in vivid and moving detail.” (Professor Elizabeth Webby).
Winner of the Fellowship of Australian Writers (Vic) Christina Stead Award in 1991 and winner of the Fellowship of Australian Writers (Vic) Herb Thomas Award for biography, autobiography or memoir, also in 1991.
272 pages, author’s note, photos (black and white), index.
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